Thursday, March 12, 2015

Schools to Get Better Careers Advice?

Schools to Get Better Careers Advice?

Careers advice in schools in England isn't currently that great, but a new report from Teach First could be able to change all that... Teach First is a charity and social enterprise that aims to end inequality in education. They recently carried out and published a report suggesting that there should be at least one teacher or member of middle management in each school specially trained in careers guidance. In fact, people at the charity think there should be high-quality careers advices being given out in every school in the country, and particularly to poorer students. The idea is that by encouraging schools to put in some fresh and new effort into careers advice, pupils will be able to make better-informed decisions about their futures. By having an authoritative figure in the role of careers advisor, students will have a better chance at building and managing links with employers outside of the school environment, and other independent careers experts. It will also help the pupils to learn about the working world and give them some real insight into what goes on after they have left school. Not only does the charity think that there should be a fresh effort to make sure careers advice is effective and no longer fragmented. But there are other changes that Teach First thinks should be implemented. For example, schools should be held accountable for what their students are up to, two years after taking their GCSEs. The backbone of the report is the suggestion that teachers should be at the heart of careers education with the support of businesses as well as policy makers. Jude Heaton is the Director for Higher Education Access and Employability at Teach First. He explained that giving today's children better careers help could not only help them in the future but also have economic implications for everyone. He added that teachers are in a prime position to teach children about careers and following their dreams, but for some reason they aren't thought of in that way. Teachers are a wasted resource in this sense. "This needs to change," Heaton declared, explaining that with the right support, training, and incentive, teachers could be a very important part of what he calls "the careers puzzle". "But they can't do it alone," he concluded. "It is time for all of us to act." And the report now has the backing of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan. Morgan said that although there are some secondary educational institutes already offering fantastic advice to ensure their students acquire the knowledge and skills that employers are looking for, schools overall need additional support in this area. "Busy schools and teachers do not always have time or training to give this crucial area the focus they should," she explained. She added that it was important to ensure that every young person, no matter their upbringing, received the advice and inspiration they need to fulfil their potential and make something of themselves. While these guidelines haven't been put into place yet, they are probably something we'll have to look forward to in the future, enabling our children every advantage to becoming a success.

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